Manufacturing, Engineering & Aviation Skills Group

As part of the development of the Essex LSIP, we have established Sector Skills Groups, to oversee development of the plan and ensure local employer voices are heard throughout.

See details of the Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering & Aviation Skills Group below.

Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering & Aviation Skills Group Members

Phil Draper 21 Engineering
Vincent Skinner ACS  Aviation Industries
Paul Bleck Bartech Propulsion
Sunny Bamra
Chelmsford College
Adam Golding Electroglass
Paula Hornet EPN
Louise Aitken Essex County Council
Katharine Ball FEDEC
Lewis Holbrook
Hannah Ewing
GT Engine Services
Will Allanson Harlow College
Elaine Allan
Harrods Aviation
Ian Carter
Impossible Creations
Steve Johnson Ipeco
Keeley Robinson
Lemon Reinforcements
Jo Giles
Steve Radford
Julie Persall Parega
John Arrowsmith

If you are interested in joining this Sector Skills Group, please contact us