Alongside the sector insights we are creating we have been reaching out to local businesses to understand the challenges and barriers facing them.
The sector focus is health, social care and medical technology.
What steps do you take to recruit new staff?
The majority of the responders said that they use word of mouth, social media and indeed. This is often as these are low cost recruitment options. There were no specific ways that had a significant cost to them.
When asked what skills would help to improve the workforce the responses was very similar, a lot of the training was provided on the job so there wasn’t a need for specific training.
When asked why the business didn’t offer apprenticeships the main reasons were that they didn’t have the time to train as well as work, also a number of staff were international and did not qualify for apprenticeships.
When asked what type of work placement would add value to the business, the main responses was administrative roles, there was a general consensus that due to the nature of the work a work placement might not be the best idea.
We asked what networks people were involved in and of those that were involved a number said the local councils, local colleges. This was an area where a vast majority of responders said they were not part of any network.