SME Exporters Fighting To Make Headway

22nd October 2024

The Trade Confidence Outlook, conducted by the BCC’s Insights Unit, is a survey of just under 2,000 UK SME exporters.      It shows the percentage of SME exporters reporting increased exports has fallen back in Q3 by five percentage points after an uptick in Q2. Overall, 22% of SME exporters...

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Labour Market Remains In Flux

15th October 2024

Responding to the latest ONS labour market statistics, Jane Gratton, Deputy Director of Public Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce, said:  “With vacancies continuing to fall and the pace of wage rises slowing, it would appear there are further signs of the labour market loosening. “It’s good to see...

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Quarterly Recruitment Outlook:  Fewer Firms Recruiting

14th October 2024

The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) Insight Unit’s latest Quarterly Recruitment Outlook (QRO) reveals hiring intentions have dropped to their lowest levels since the depths of the pandemic. The survey of more than 5,100 UK firms of all sectors and sizes, shows that 56% of respondents said they had...

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11th October 2024

Responding to the latest ONS data on trade, William Bain, Head of Trade Policy at the BCC, said: “The last three months have seen big swings in UK goods exports, with a double-digit fall in sales sandwiched between two double-digit increases. “Taking the data from June to August, overall,...

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Growth Tentative As Uncertainty Remains

11th October 2024

Responding to the latest ONS data on GDP, David Bharier, Head of Research at the BCC, said: “With GDP rising 0.2% in the three months to August, as well as in the month itself, growth lifted at the end of summer after flatlining in the previous months. Services continued...

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Employment Reform Must Work For Business

10th October 2024

Responding to the unveiling of the Government’s legislation on employment reform, Jane Gratton, Deputy Director of Public Policy at the BCC, said: “This is the biggest shake up of employment law in decades. These are huge changes and businesses must be engaged and supported on them every step of...

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BCC Quarterly Economic Survey: Business Conditions Stall as Tax Anxiety Grow

08th October 2024

In the first major survey of business sentiment since the General Election, the BCC’s Quarterly Economic Survey – the UK’s largest and longest running independent business survey – shows taxation is now the main area of concern for businesses. Ahead of the Budget later this month, 48% of firms...

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Planning Reform Must ‘Move Ahead at Pace’ 

25th September 2024

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) is calling for swift action by the Government to reform planning in England, to help stimulate business investment and unlock growth.  In a submission to the consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) the BCC is urging ministers to...

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BCC Reacts to Prime Minister’s Conference Speech

24th September 2024

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “The Prime Minister rightly set out the importance of stabilising and growing the economy during his speech. Businesses stand ready to work in partnership with Government to reach those goals. “Firms also wanted to hear an upbeat plan...

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BCC reacts to Chancellor’s speech 

23rd September 2024

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the BCC, said:   “It was encouraging to hear the Chancellor recognising the huge potential of British business to grow the economy and her ambition to make that happen.  “Today’s speech has set the scene for her first budget which will be a huge moment to...

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